In-Depth Interviews
Get closer to people with two-way conversations
What Is It?
Online In-Depth Interviews are an easy way to have real-time, 1-on-1 conversations. The two-way conversations enable you to get closer to consumers than ever before with in-depth discovery.
How to Leverage It
Objective Setting
In-depth interviews give you valuable time with people your business cares about. So it’s crucial to know what topics you want to explore with consumers. Here, it helps to focus on what decisions would benefit from having the consumer involved or a better understanding of their needs.
Determine Audience
Keep your objectives in mind when picking your audience. Looking to understand how people use your product? You’ll likely need to interview customers. Consider using demographic targeting, screeners, and video auditions to find high-quality participants from the audience you need to understand.
Schedule Interviews
Now it’s time to get those interviews on the calendar. You can handle the logistics yourself or use a solution like Voxpopme to automate scheduling. (Calendly integration is also available).
It’s interview day. Make sure you show up with your questions so you can steer the conversation when necessary. But don’t be afraid to let the conversation wander. Sometimes the best insights come out of those discussions.