Using video surveys in media for audience research

BET used the Voxpopme video survey platform to find out whether the BET audience was interested in unscripted reality shows.

“The resounding answer was ‘yes’!” said Bianca Pryor, vice president of insights at BET. “Everyone doing their videos and providing their insights were so into it.”

She said respondents gave ideas and shared a message of Black empowerment and that they wanted unscripted shows on BET—which many saw as a gap in the market.

“Video surveys have a place in media entertainment and especially the times we are in. We can get to the heart of the matter through video and conversation but in the comfort of people’s homes.”

Bianca said she likes how video surveys capture the verbal as well as the nonverbal feedback.

“Their eyes lighting up, searching in the corners of their eyes, their gestures,” she said. “You can really pick up on that through this approach.”

Learn more about video surveys and content optimization here: