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Smart Search

Ask search questions and find related clips faster

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Introducing Smart Search: Revolutionize How You Find Video Feedback

Welcome to Smart Search, a cutting-edge tool designed to transform the way you interact with video feedback. In the vast sea of responses, finding the exact moments that matter can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. That’s where Smart Search comes in, equipped with AI to bring you directly to the insights you need, without the guesswork. Here’s a closer look at how it elevates your search experience:

  • Question-Powered Searches: Start with a question about your video feedback. Smart Search takes this query and dives deep into your video content, surfacing the responses that matter most.

  • AI-Driven Discovery: Let AI be your guide. It sifts through video responses, identifying and presenting the clips with relevant answers to your questions.

  • Highlighted Answers: Once AI finds the answers, it doesn’t just stop there. It highlights the text within the videos, making it incredibly easy for you to spot the insights you’re after.

  • Confidence-Ranked Answers: Navigate through the answers with ease, thanks to the answers being ranked in order of confidence. This feature ensures you see the most relevant responses first, streamlining your review process.

Feature Highlights

  • Intuitive Question Asking: Simplify your search by asking natural questions and letting Smart Search do the rest.

  • AI-Powered Precision: Harness the power of AI to pinpoint exactly the video responses that answer your questions.

  • Instant Highlighting: Jump directly to the highlighted answers within your video clips, saving you time and effort.

  • Ranked Insights: Benefit from an organized display of answers, prioritized by their relevance and confidence level.

Are you ready to revolutionize how you find and utilize video feedback? Smart Search is here to unlock a world where insights are not just accessible but highlighted and ranked for your convenience. Embrace the power of AI-driven search and transform your feedback review process into an efficient, insightful journey.

Dive into Smart Search today and experience the future of video feedback analysis!