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Manage Declined Video Responses

Easily Manage Declined Video Responses with Voxpopme’s Advanced QA Filters

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In this video guide, you’ll learn how to manage and review video responses that have been declined during Voxpopme’s quality assurance process. Whether you’ve set a strict, moderate, or relaxed QA level for your project, this guide will show you how to access and handle declined responses efficiently.

Key features include:

  • Quality Assurance (QA) Review: Voxpopme’s QA team reviews each video for audio and visual quality issues based on your selected QA level (strict, moderate, or relaxed). Videos that fail to meet the quality standards are automatically declined.

  • Advanced Filter Access: Use the advanced filters in your project to view declined video responses. Simply select “declined equals true” in the filter settings to display all videos that did not pass the quality check.

  • View Decline Reasons: Within the data tab, you can see the reason each video was declined, offering transparency into the QA process and helping you understand which issues led to rejection.

  • Request Approval for Declined Videos: If you believe a declined video response should be approved, you can email the response ID to your Customer Success Manager, who can assist with moving the response to the approved list.

These features give you full control over the management of declined videos, ensuring you can still access and act on responses that may have been initially flagged for quality issues.

Watch now to discover how to manage and review declined video responses in Voxpopme using advanced filters. Learn how to access and act on flagged videos today!