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How to Build a Showreel

Create impactful showreels within the Voxpopme Platform. Choose the video clips you like, add slides, customize it, and construct a powerful story.

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Creating a Showreel

The first step to generating your showreel is to build a list. While reviewing and analyzing your video responses, you may spot a clip that you want to include in your showreel. Highlight the text, and the option to ‘Add to Showreel’ will appear. Enter the name of your list and hit create. Continue adding as many clips as you wish to your showreel.

A woman's face is shown on a screen.

Editing a Showreel

When you’ve collated your content, head to the Showreel Editor, and select the showreel you’ve created. Use the three-dot action menu to re-order the responses, tweak the timings of the video clips, and add captions and subtitles.

A screen showing a woman's voice and a recording of a voice.

Crafting a compelling story

Every great story has a beginning, middle, and end. For an insights presentation, we recommend starting with an intro slide that includes images, logos, and the project title. Then add a slide explaining what you’ve asked respondents, or add images related to the study they’re responding to. Then finish with a series of video insights!

If you’re highlighting multiple questions or themes in your showreel, add divider slides to guide viewers through your research findings.

A screen shot of a customer story page.

Generating a showreel

Once ready, click Generate Showreel. Choose the template you’d like the showreel to be processed with, and select if you would like to overlay music. Your showreel will take a few minutes to generate. Once generated, download it or create a sharable landing page.

A screen shot of a screen with a microphone and a voice.