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Analyzing Video Responses

Voxpopme offers in-depth analysis of video responses, with sentiment indicators, searchable transcriptions, filtering, and theme identification. Learn more below.

Testing alt tag

Analyzing Responses

Watch this video for an in-depth tour on how to analyze responses.

View Responses

You can view all responses in the responses tab. You’ll notice each video has a color bar above it. This is the sentiment of the response. Green is positive, red is negative, and yellow means neutral. In the response, you will also see the video transcription and a list of response details.

A screen shot of a web page with a man in glasses.

Search Transcriptions

Use the search bar at the top of the portal to search for a key word or phrase you’re interested in exploring. (That’s right – because we’ve transcribed your videos, they are now a searchable database of insights!)

A screen shot of a webpage with a video on it.

Dig Deeper with Filters

Additional data, such as demographic information, can be used to filter your responses. Select filters in the top right, then choose from the dropdown menu the filter you would like to apply. Apply as many as you like and the video responses will be updated in real-time to match your filters.

A screenshot of a page with a text box and a button.

Identify Trends with Theme Explorer

Our theme analytics engine automatically identifies the most prominent keywords and phrases within your project. Select the Theme Explorer tab to view which themes have been extracted, or use the Top Picks option to re-rank the themes in the most meaningful order for your project. You can also click on a theme to see the video clips where the theme has been mentioned.

A screenshot of a dashboard showing different types of data.