017: Voxpopme updates platform to only share positive feedback

Today, Voxpopme is pleased to announce a groundbreaking online survey enhancement: Our state-of-the-art Positivity Filter is now available to customers in the United States and will roll out next month worldwide.

We listened to you and know that having to hear negative feedback is just too difficult. It hurts, doesn’t feel good and sometimes can bring down the entire day. You know how it is. Ten seconds of negativity can ruin the rest of the day. So this product update is for those of you who only want to hear the positive things – or sometimes nothing at all – when customers only share negative sentiments. Of course, this industry-leading update is based on customer feedback.

Listen to the show to hear more and read our news release here: https://bit.ly/3fw2O6v

Happy April Fool’s! Just a joke, obviously! Enjoy the show and be positive! 

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/customer-insights-show/message