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Add Translations

Add your survey translations to launch global studies faster

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Introducing the Add Translations Feature: Your Gateway to Global Studies

Unlock the full potential of your research with our revolutionary Add Translations feature, designed to streamline the process of launching surveys across the globe. In the world of research, communication barriers can slow down progress. That’s why we’re excited to introduce a feature that empowers you to break through language barriers effortlessly, ensuring your surveys reach as wide an audience as possible. Here’s how it changes the game:

  • Start in English: Begin by crafting your survey in English, setting a solid foundation for your global study.

  • Multilingual Capabilities: Easily add your own translations in multiple languages. This feature is designed to accommodate the diversity of your target audience, making your surveys accessible to a global population.

  • Streamlined Launch: Say goodbye to the time-consuming approval processes. With our Add Translations feature, you can skip straight to launch, speeding up the time it takes to get your multi-market surveys off the ground.

  • Cost Efficiency: Avoid unnecessary expenses on translation services. This feature puts you in control, allowing you to use translations you already have or obtain, ensuring you only spend resources on what truly matters.

Feature Highlights

  • Global Reach: Write once in English and easily add translations to connect with participants around the world.

  • Quick Launch: Jump over the hurdles of approvals and streamline your survey launch process.

  • Diverse Languages: Embrace inclusivity by making your surveys accessible in multiple languages.

  • Save on Costs: Efficiently manage your resources by avoiding unnecessary translation expenses.

Ready to elevate your research and connect with a global audience like never before? Our Add Translations feature is here to simplify your survey process, from creation to launch. Start crafting your surveys in English and expand your reach by adding translations in the languages that matter most to your study.

Let’s make global research faster, more accessible, and more efficient. Dive into the world of multilingual surveys today and discover the impact of truly global studies!